Resident Rules

NamaStay Hideaway Community Rules and Regulations
Tenant(s) and their guests shall respect and abide by the following rules and regulations

All pet(s) must be on leash while on the Community property or outside portion of the Premises. Tenant is responsible for picking up pet feces or vomit. Noisy or unruly pets or those that cause complaints will not be allowed to remain. We encourage vaccination guidelines to be upheld. Tenants are responsible for any damage caused by or to their pet(s).
Solid Waste Disposal:
All garbage must be in plastic bags and placed IN Community Property dumpster. Bagged or other garbage found outside the THOW/RV or the Community Property dumpster will result in a $10 fee (first offense) added to next month's rent after Tenant given written notice. $50 for each offense after.
Community Property: Outside Premises Condition/Items:
Includes the grassy area/ mulch around THOW/RV and parking spots
Seating areas, fire pit, grill, etc. are for all Tenants to utilize at their own risk. Damages will result in removal, disuse, or fine to Tenant if Tenant knowingly caused damage. Landlords reserve the right to access the outside Premises at all times for lawn maintenance.
Landlords will notify Tenants to remove major items for lawn care at least one day prior. If grass exceeds 5 inches in height because the Landlord is unable to easily trim the grass due to items on the lawn, then a $100 maintenance fee will be applied to the next month's rent.
Items not allowed are seating items normally inside a dwelling (couches, lounge chairs, etc.), appliances normally in a dwelling (refrigerator, freezers, washer/dryers, microwaves), no vehicles or mobility devices (bike, moped, hang glider, etc.) that don't operate/rusted/not used regularly. No mats or rugs on grass and only outdoor mats and rugs allowed on patios and porches No outside clothes lines are to be used.
Storage units are not currently allowed on the property. In the future, Landlord may have some for rent.
Please store items off site in a storage facility or in your THOW/RV and not outside even if they are outdoor items such as skis, fishing poles, tools, BBQ, lawn equipment, etc.
Other typical outdoor items such as table, chairs, plants, lawn art, etc. must be rated for outdoor use. The Tenant should express their personality, interest and needs. However to keep the community beautiful, these items are not to encroach on others space, be too voluminous, look like or act as storage, and/or generally impact the visual appearance of the Community Property. Landlord and a group of other Tenants (which will be rotated) may engage in a vote if said outside items are impacting the Community beauty, ability to maintain lawn care, and overall acting as storage/hoarding.
Please respect your neighbor and do not cut through their site.
Upkeep of appearance of THOW/RV:
Must be acceptable and in good condition including stairs, awnings, trailer, wheels, etc. No visible rust, broken windows, peeling paint, extremely faded stain, grime, mold or mildew should be present. If Landlord notifies Tenant that an item needs to be addressed, then they will be given 10-60 days depending on the urgency.
No soliciting permitted except with written approval of Landlord.
Resident/Guest behavior:
Harassment, drunken and disorderly conduct, abusive language, and noise disturbances (yelling, screaming, loud talking, etc. heard over one lot away) will not be tolerated. Substantiated written complaints by other residents will be considered a violation of these rules. We want to foster a community of respect and trust. We also would like to decrease the light and noise pollution from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM (Week Days) and 11:00 PM to 8:00 AM (Weekends). Tenant is responsible for the conduct of all their guests and children.
No open fires except community fire pit and BBQ grills. Dwelling-made fire pits, washing/machine drums, etc. are not allowed.
No Tenant to drive stakes of any kind into the ground before contacting the office. This is for your safety as well as that of our water, sewer and electric lines.
Sewage and gray water must not run or be released onto the ground. A positive sewer seal is required at both ends of your sewer hose.
Off road, all terrain or unlicensed vehicles are not permitted to be ridden in the park.
No vehicle maintenance, oil changes, or repairs allowed. Emergency repairs may be allowed with manager approval. See Landlord prior to starting any emergency repairs.
Fireworks :
Fireworks are prohibited on the Community property. Firing of guns is also prohibited on Community property.
Special exceptions to NamaStay Hideaway Community Rules and Regulations may be granted on a case-by-case basis at Landlord's discretion. But never at the expense of the general welfare, health, and safety of other Tenants or the Community as a whole.